Sunday, August 3, 2008

daru n sutta..brought to you by paranoid*android

1.On an average every person in this country smokes about 3000 sticks a year.. about 46% of this      country smokes.... which country is it?

2.This place in northern France shares its name with one of the most popularly known alchoholic           drinks..... name it.

3. The creator of these cigarettes created them as a means of delivering eugenol to his lungs as it was thought to help asthmatic patients. It also helped in curing his chest pains. Identify the type of cigarette that I am talking about.(btw,do u still think that cigarettes are all bad??? ;)...)


Debidutt Acharya said...

1. greece may be..but stats cant be right...der might be many such countries wid 46% smokin populn..
2. champagne
3. cudnt get da quest...type??

s_cube said...

it's a particular kind of doesn't have just contains sumthin else too dat sets it apart...

Indigo Lobster said...

Nice One..........
The Gudang Garam connection...
Its 'Kretek".... and for trivia - The word "kretek" itself is an onomatopoetic term for the crackling sound of burning cloves. And Gudang Garam is the only kretek to be manufactured in 'white'.

paranoid*android said...

yeh.. lobster bak again.... lovely one.. gudang garam was expected but kretek is great.....